Neuigkeiten & Publikationen


Kurtz, J., Meyer, P., Lugmair, N., Roth, A. (2023). Structuring the servitization journey – A socio-technical methodology for developing platform-based smart PSS. 10th International Conference on Business Servitization (pp. 115-121). OmniaScience.

Hajjam et al. (2023), Harmonizing Innovation Processes in: Roth, A.; Möslein, K.M.; Pflaum, A. (Eds.): Open Service Lab Notes, 7/2023.

Lugmair N., & Kurtz J. (2023). Produktentwicklung Digital breiter aufgestellt  – IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken.

Kurtz, J., Meyer, P., & Roth, A. (2023). Decoding the context of servitization: socio-technical pivots on the journey to service-oriented business models in manufacturing firms. Production Planning & Control, 1–18.

Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J., Frericks, S., & Kluge, A. (2023, September). Simulating the Enhanced Value-Capturing by Using Digitalization in Monetary and Non-monetary Collaborative Networks. In Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (pp. 207-222).
Kurtz, Julian; Zinke-Wehlmann, Christian; Lugmair, Nina; Schymanietz, Martin; Roth, Angela (2023): Characterising smart service systems – Revealing the smart value. In: SMR 7 (2), S. 112–128.
Ries, L., Beckmann, M., & Wehnert, P. (2023). Sustainable smart product-service systems: a causal logic framework for impact design. Journal of Business Economics, 93, 667-706.
Lugmair, N., Ries, L., Schymanietz, M., Beckmann, M. & Roth, A. (2022). Making Sense of the Sustainable Smart PSS Value Proposition. ICIS 2022 Proceedings. 3.
Kurtz, J., Meyer, P., Roth, A. (2022). Servitization in Germany – Establishing the context of servitization in manufacturing firms. 9th International Conference on Business Servitization: Servitization as a springboard for enhancing sustainable manufacturing (pp. 173-180). OmniaScience.
Oks, S.J., Schymanietz, M., Jalowski, M., Posselt, T., Roth, A. (2022). Integrierte Entwicklung smarter Produkt-Service-Systeme. In: Bruhn, M., Hadwich, K. (eds) Smart Services. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Frericks, S., Kluge, A. (2021). Simulating Impact of Smart Product-Service Systems. 22nd IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2021), Saint-Etienne, France. 282-300.